Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Local Government Ombudsman: parasite on society.

Local Government Ombudsman and The General Social Care Council: Moral Conscience of the Nation?
Lancashire County Council: upholders of morality in Lancashire?
The corruption and plain criminality of Local Government Ombudsmen and/or their 'investigators' is well known and evidenced.
After the corruption of 2001 from York office was seen in June 2006 I wondered what they would do with additional evidence of corruption and orgnaised crime in Lancashire.
I wrote twice sending by fax, as proof of sending, my cover letter and complained about Lancashire County Council employing at least one known criminal, PATRICIA ALLEN.
The joke being of course that such as Anne Seex is in the position of deciding on what is corruption and criminality and what is not - even with her history (which is possibly why she got the job in York office).

York ignored my complaint sent with cogent evidence, I later discovered that York no longer dealt with Lancashire
County Council but that Coventry did.
That information came to me by accident. Lancashire tax payers are treated as mushrooms: keep them in the dark and shovel muck on them. It doesn't matter which LGO office is involved.
I forwarded my complaint to Coventry, Jerry White on 27 April 07.
My complaint was clear, I as a tax payer and member of the electorate objected to LCC using tax payers' monies to pay such known criminals as P Allen and knowing that she was a criminal with their assistance.
P Allen works with a false CV and swears in Family Division High Courts to having an Hons degree that does not exist. She conspires to pervert the course of justice for children and families in that and she conspires with such as Judy Deering, Laura Sales, Ian Young, Ian Fisher and Beverley Cullen in LCC legal dept.
The barristers representing P Allen knowing that they assist an offender and obstruct justice and commit perjury are TANYA VERONICA GRIFFITHS, NEIL ANTHONY CADWALLADER, ROBERT HENRY PALMER and HOFFMANN.
Lancashire police cover for P Allen via a defective, sorry detective, JANE WEBB who offers perjury in that covering.

P Allen clearly offers perjury in her swearing under oath to having qualifications that do not exist.
IAN YOUNG paid FIONA WOODWARD of the GENERAL SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL in September 2005 to also cover for P Allen.
HEATHER WING as Chairman of the GSCC then had to cover for F Woodward who 'disappeared' as Deering had done in 2004 along with the many others slipping out of the web of this corruption.

I pointed out the vicarious liability in law for employers covering for the crimes committed by their employees whilst in their employ who knowingly employ persons who do commit crimes. (Sec 4(1) Criminal Law Act 1968 assisting offenders and obstructing justice). Ms Wing did not ask me the law on vicarious liability related so we can can assume she is well aware of it.
F Wodward would have been given good references to 'disappear' and obtain another post where she could pervert the course of justice for others and possibly spend her ill-gotten gains. Any reasonable minded person would suggest that she was paid to hand back to LCC the cogent evidence I gave her. PAYOLA.
The Local Government Ombudsman in Coventry was sent evidence of that and as usual deliberately misinterpreted my complaint to abdicate responsiblity for examining what LCC illegally spent taxpayers' monies on.
(PAYOLA is not seen to be problematic for councils and LGO's see link as below for corruption in York office 2001)

My complaint was of maladministration in the illegal use of public monies.
It was changed to my reporting crimes committed by P Allen, LCC employee.
The LGO confirmed that PAllen was undoubteldy a criminal but they, as a government body, did not have the remit to deal with such.
The LGO in Coventry had previously changed a complaint of mine in the wild hopes that I did not udnerstand semantics.
That complaint then was changed into something that the LGO couldn't investigate.
And how quick they are to quote the law when it suits them.
The law apparently is selective, one rule for them and one for everybody else.
The corrupt protect the corrupt.
Jerry White has a consort in this, a Lynne Parker.
The ref. no. 07/B/01274 must have files avaialable for public scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Act 2002. That's the law as well.
Anybody can wrote in and ask for file documents.

The 1974 Local Goverment Act obliges the LGO to notify the council of their decision on a complaint so I am sending a copy of this letter to the Council's Chief Executive.
That is Chris Trinick and his related corruption can be seen in which pieces begin the jigsaw being put together.

A final quote from a letter written to me by F Woodward of the GSCC dated 30 Sept 05.
(F Woodward had not received my file of evidence until 4th Oct 05 and had 'done the deal' in anticipation of receiving the documents. One can only presume, that as she knew what I would be sending 4 days before anything had been sent, that she gained further employment as a clairvoyant.)
Adress for GSCC: Goldings House 2 Hay's Lane London SE1 2HB
No reference number: the file is missing so, no surprises there.
Referrals Worker - Conduct Team.
"The GSCC makes all relevant checks of registrant's qualifications prior to their registration with us. We are staisfied that LCC has also made relevant checks on their employees".
It doesn't say 'on Pat Allen'. 'Employes' is not the same thing.
Carol Woods Lancaster


Unknown said...

The author of the above message has chosen to identify themself as 'Local Government Ombudsman Watch'. I wish to state categorically that the posting has absolutely no connection whatsoever with the campaign website 'Local Government Ombudsman Watch,' (, and that I, as the website owner, am not responsible for posting this material. I have no knowledge of the details and allegations contained in the message, and I wish to disassociate myself from it unreservedly.
Gary Powell

Unknown said...

To the author of this blog: Please remove this blog immediately. If you wish to re-publish it under a different name, or indeed your own name, then that is your prerogative: but 'Local Government Ombudsman Watch' is a well-established national anti-LGO campaign website, and misusing its name to publish such serious accusations as your is totally unacceptable. Local Government Ombudsman Watch would never support the publication of such material as this.